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Episodie of profe Claudio Nieto podcast. This podcast is also one of the good ones about fitness physiology, health and nutrition. In just a couple of years Claudio Nieto (a PE teacher in Spain) has made up a very solid you tube channel and podcast with a lot of information. I do not how, but he is able to upload a lot of material. I started watching his videos and I even write him cheering him up to try podcast format.
Some weeks after (I guess a lot of people was demaning him the same) he started de podcast and there he is, doing an excelent job and interviewing frontline people, like Ramón Nogueras, Juan Antonio Madrid, Kilian Jornet, Ismael Galancho and a lot more.
This episodie is summary of the concept of antifragile, by Nassin Nicholas Taleb. An economist author of the book antifragile. The article is about the meaning of antifragility as a opposite of fragile instead of robust. It is quite interesting concept applicable to many aspects of life even health.
In few words this ability o capacity allows you to get stronger and anb better in many ways after a stressfull event. Contrary to resiliance or strength that means facing stress without adaptation this concept reflect the power of transformation in all areas. You stress muscles in order to get then stronger of faster not just to prevent them to get injured.
As the author says this is a quality to develop, abandoning our comfort zone and looking for discomfort in order to break the balance. Claudio Nieto talks about 8 steps to implement the concept in your life.
So chaos, confusion, and impredicteble thing happen in your life is a way to improve your antifragility as a way of being stronger and get a stady state higher than before until new stressors.
Of your the type of stressor and the character of it is very important.
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